~ 1784 MEETING

Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser

Bucks County, Nov. 1, 1784. In consequence of a measure moved and agreed upon by sundry respectable characters, at Newtown, in the county of Bucks, on the 13th day of October last, the day after the general election, and of circular letters thereupon forwarded to the several townships, of the said county, deputies from sundry of the said townships (constituting a committee of the county) this day, convened at the house of William Benner, land holder, in Buckingham, as follows:


Bristol borough and township) Capt. Robert Patterson


Bensalem) Mr. Lawrence Johnson


Middletown) James Greeg


Newtown) John Hart and James H???, Esquire


Warminster) Joseph Hart, esquire


Warrington) Capt. Thomas Craig


Warwick) John Carr, Esquire and Benjamin Snodgrass


Wrightstown) Captain John Johnson


Buckingham) Capt Robert Sample and Mr. William Benner


Soleburry) Mrssieurs Thomas Roland, Jonas Ingham


Plumsted) Captain William McCalla


New Briton) Mr. James Snodgrass


W(?)illtown) Captain Matthew Gries


Nockamixon) Messieurs Samuel Wilton(?) and John Clinker


Durham) Richard Backhouse, Esq


Tinicum) Captain Robert Stewart

For the more regular discussion and dispatch the (bufinefs) business to be taken up by the committee Richard Backhouse, esquire, was nominated to and by unanimous content, assumed the chair. The business of the day being now opened, was moved by a member and seconded, that previous to any further act of the committee, the 16th section of the Bill of Rights which forms a part of the constitution of the state, should be read, which being agreed to, the said section was accordingly read by the chairman, as follows--

That the people have a right to assemble together, to consult for their common good, to instruct their representatives, and to apply to the legislature for redress of grievances, by added petition or remonstrance: Thereupon ??mostly resolved, that this committee chosen by freemen of the county, are a regular body of men, and have a right , under the said section of the bill of rights, thus to assemble, bring purpose of instructing their representative in general assembly, and to consult for their general good.

It was then moved, that the chairman, together with five other gentlemen of the committee be appointed a special committee, to prepare a draught of instructions to our present representatives in the general assembly, for the direction of their conduct in the house during the present term of their election; whereupon, the said chairman, together with John Hart, JHames Happs, Thomas Ro;s, John Carr and William McCalla were agreed upon as a special committee for the purpose aforesaid, who being furnished with the necessary instructions from the committee at large with directions to report in three hours, ?? drew, the general committee in the meantime adjourned.

Within the time limited, the gentlemen of the special committee, returned with the following address, directed to Thomas Long, Joseph Thomas, John Clark, John Keller and Arthur ??win, esquires, the representatives in the general assembly of this commonwealth, for the county of Bucks.

After the distinction which we have publicly demonstrated in your favor, by electing you to represent us in the legislature of this state do conceive it almost unnecessary to remind you of the importance of the truth with which you are invested, but we hope that an honest zeal for the welfare of our country, coupled with a constitutional right to instruct our representatives in the assembly, will eraze any idea in your minds how ??which might be inferred a want of confidence, but inasmuch, as that in a multiplicity of council there consists more knowledge, we take the liberty to recommend to your serious attention a firm opposition to every attempt to infringe or encroach upon the constitution of this state and particularly to that part of it wherein the legislature are enjoined to publish their bills for consideration, before they enact them into law. It is with much regret that we observe from the proceedings of the honorable the council of ??, that in a great variety of instances bills have been enacted into laws in former assemblies, in direct violation of the constitution in this reip??. we conceive this part of the constitution, to be founded on truly democratical principles and not to be deviated from under any pretence whatsoever. It extends alike to the people at laste, the opportunity of advising, approving or complaining, and as they have an equal right from the nature of the government, so it most probable that laws from an observance of this refer in the legislature, will be better adapted to the circumstances of the country. For says the learned Moniesquleu, the laws of the country ought always be suited to the local circumstances of it.

That the soil, genius and opportunity for commerce ought to be considered in their constitution. We, therefore, conceive that the advice of the people at large is the best monitor to a delivery of the principles on which they ought to be founded.

A supplement to the te??-laws of this state, under a specious pretence of there being a doubt whether young men who had arrived to the age of twenty-one years since the passing of the said te??-law, were entitled to the right of citizenship, ?? been attempted in the late house of assembly. We are happy, gentlemen, to find that...








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ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1864) 2nd Inaugural

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. 



  • The Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), the state tree of Pennsylvania, is one of the dominant trees of the Commonwealth's forests...
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- Nancy Janyszeski

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Nancy C. Janyszeski All rights reserved.     Information submitted remains, to the extent the laws allows, the property of the submitter who by submitting it agrees that it may be freely copied, but never sold or used in a commercial venture without the knowledge and permission of the rightful owners.   

This website was created as a guide to the history and genealogy of Bucks County Pennsylvania. All efforts have been made to be accurate and to document sources. Some of the material has been contributed and published, with permission, in good faith. All effort has been made to be accurate as possible, and to refer to sources used. If you see an error, please let me know. This website was designed to be informative, a guide to Bucks County history and genealogical research, and hopefully fun. I can't guarantee that all the data is accurate.

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