The separate West and East Townships, of equal area, were not formed until 1890. The original township was Rockhill, the largest in the county.
History of Rockhill - West Rockhill Historic Society
ROCKHILL township was so named from the range of hills which forms its most striking natural feature. This ridge crosses its northeastern boundary and extends southwest quite across to the county line. It presents many curious geological formations. Ridge Valley creek passes through this rocky barrier in a deep gorge or canon, but the bed of the stream is literally a mass of huge boulders which have never been completely submerged in the most violent freshets. The soil here is stony and sterile and inclined to be marshy, although highly elevated. The fertile valley to the south presents a widely different aspect. Here the north branch of Perkiomen creek pursues its course through an unbroken succession of wellcultivated farms from Hagersville to Franconia.
Among the early land-holders was John Furness, barber, of Philadelphia, who secured a tract of three hundred and fifty acres in the south corner of the township adjoining Telford. It was sold to Andrew Hamilton of the same city in 1723, and passed from him to Henry Hartzel, a native of the Palatinate, in 1727. He was the first to settle upon it. A log cabin was first erected, then a comfortable one-story log-house, and finally a two-story stone dwelling. This was improved and enlarged by its successive occupants, but it is not known that any part of the original structure was removed until 1881, when the whole was sacrificed to the spirit of improvement which seems to agitate this community. Although the date of its erection could not be accurately determined,
it was undoubtedly the oldest house in West Rockhill.
Page last updated: September 15, 2021 Broken Links and to contribute additional data email - Nancy
ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1864) 2nd Inaugural
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
One website can not be all things to all people
- Nancy Janyszeski"I haven't failed. I've found 10,000 ways that don't work." - Thomas Alva Edison |
Copyright© 1997-2021 Nancy C. Janyszeski All rights reserved. Information submitted remains, to the extent the laws allows, the property of the submitter who by submitting it agrees that it may be freely copied, but never sold or used in a commercial venture without the knowledge and permission of the rightful owners. This website was created as a guide to the history and genealogy of Bucks County Pennsylvania. All efforts have been made to be accurate and to document sources. Some of the material has been contributed and published, with permission, in good faith. All effort has been made to be accurate as possible, and to refer to sources used. If you see an error, please let me know. This website was designed to be informative, a guide to Bucks County history and genealogical research, and hopefully fun. I can't guarantee that all the data is accurate. Broken Links: |