
Nockamixon Petition to split - Delaware Township

Nockamixon Obituaries

Biographical Sketches

Trauger's FarmNockamixon was organized in 1742.  Early settlers: Richard Thatcher, Joseph Warford, Christian Weaver, John Henry Hite, William Morris, John Harwick, Uriah Kemble, David Buckherd, Bartholomew Longstreth, Samuel Cruchler, Jacob Richards, Thomas Blair, William Ware, John Anderson, Edmund Bleney, John Doran, John Wilson, George Ledley, William Dickson, James Johnson, Richard Loudon, John Colvan, Ralph Wilson, Jacob Trimbo, and Thomas Ramsey. The original settlers were English speaking and the Germans overran the township subsequently.

The name of Nockamixon is of Indian origin (the place at the three houses). On the back of the petition to the court, asking to have the township organized, is written the following couplet:2

As rocks in Nockamixon mate the skies,
So let this town to Nockamixon rise,"

Nockamixon Township (WikiPedia)

Bucks County Intelligencer April 8, 1876, Removals and changes      PHOTOS        Burial Site     In Search of the Prickly Pear


Ferndale, Nockamixon Church---St. Luke's Church Bucks County, Pennsylvania FHL #1029738


HARROW The Harrow Inn 1744 The village and tavern were called_In coaching days it was described in mail stage advertisements as located "at the end of the river road," and was a regular stopping place for the Philadelphia and easton stages. Harrow from the fixture of a harrow on the tavern sign board. The inn building dates from around 1720, the first innkeeper was probably John Wilson, grandson of trader Ralph Wilson.

BUCKSVILLE_One of the earliest of the villages founded in the township. Nicholas Buck, whose father arrived from Germany around 1752, was a wheelwright by trade. He settled in Nockamixon in 1792, purchasing 64 acres including the site of Bucksville. It became a thriving German community with a blacksmith shop and a large stone house, which today is a bed and breakfast known as the Bucksville House. Local history has it that the hotel was a speakeasy during Prohibition.

REVERE_Jacob Buck, Nockamixon Township tax collector, established the Sorrel Horse Inn in what would become Revere around 1800. He sold the inn to his brother John around 1818, who replaced the log inn with a substantial stone structure. Later John Rufe, son of George, owned and operated what became known as Rufe's Tavern. George had purchased 176 acres in the area in 1798.

The original building burned in 1850 , was rebuilt with the store by William Rufe, destroyed by fire in 1918. Jacob Black was the landlord at the time, and Harry Kiefer was the owner of the store. It was later rebuilt; the hotel being then known as the Hotel Paul Revere. Fire destroyed that building in 1959 and was not rebuilt.

FERNDALE_Formerly known as Rum's Corner because of the distillery in the area. The present day Ferndale Inn building dates back to pre-1827, as it was listed then as part of the Michael Meisser estate. Michael Meisser was a settler, and owned land on the hill above Ferndale prior to 1753. The Center Hill Schoolhouse, now a private residence on Center Hill Road near the township building, was part of that tract.

KINTNERSVILLE_Largest community in the township. Jacob Froelich of Bethlehem was the first owner of land in the village. He purchased 101 acres in 1743 from Thomas and Richard Penn. In 1749 George Gintner (Kintner) settled in the hills of Nockamixon Township. After serving in the Revolutionary War he entered the pottery business. He sold supplies to the Durham Iron Furnace until it blew up in 1792, after which he left the area.

His son Jacob moved back to Bucks County in 1812. Jacob purchased the property where Kintnersville now sits from Jacob Froelich Jr. for $26.75. Kintnersville was the site of the first gas station in Upper Bucks County and the first telephone was installed in 1910.


The village of Kintnersville was named for the prominent German family of Kintner, a race of fighters and politicians. Although probably coming from the same province in Germany, the immigrant Kintners seem to have entered this country through different ports. The name was spelled several ways, commonly Gunter, Guntar, Gunther, and Gunther, changed by some of the family branches to Kintner after arrival in this country. The ancestor of the Bucks County Kintners seems to have been Georg Gunther, who arrived in Philadelphia on the ship Chance, Captain Charles Smith, in 1763.3


NARROWSVILLE_was a small hamlet at the lower end of the narrows on the Delaware River. The narrowsville Hotel was established in 1820, and was a stagecoach stop on the Easton-Morrisville Line. It was also a stop for canal barges in the mid to late 1800s, and had a blacksmith shop and stables alongside. The hotel, now known as the Indian Rock Inn, is sheltered at the base of the Palisades cliffs. The Palisades cliffs are home to rare species of alpine plants and have been studied by many eminent botanists.

Davis' History of Nockamixon
Beaver Run
Palisades First Graduating Class Time sensitive*
Nockamixon Associators
Cauffman Hill
Justice of the Peace-1860
bullet Scott A. Erwin and Isaac McIntyre
Nockamixon High School's graduating class of 1924.

HISTORY OF PALISADES SCHOOL DISTRICT, it began with Springfield and Nockamixon

bullet Mable Foellner
bullet Samuel Litzenberger
bullet Dorthy Fretz
bullet Raleigh Reinert(teacher)
bullet Stella Bean
bullet Charles Kohl
bullet Ester Seifert
bullet Vergie Dunlap
bullet Alma Seifert
bullet Margaret Trauger
bullet Theodore Moyer
bullet John Trauger
bullet Thomas Hale


St. Luke's Nockamixon . . .The church began in a log structure in 1761. Incorporated in 1763. In 1804 the Lutheran congregation approached the local reformed congregation, and the Nockamixon Union Church was formed. The new Union Church worshiped in a building on the present site of St. Luke's Lutheran church on Church Hill Road in Ferndale. 470 Church Hill Road
PO Box 67
Ferndale PA 18921

Although it is located in close proximity to St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church, the cemetery Top Rock thanks to John McFarlandis a public non-profit cemetery available to all persons, regardless of race or religion. Donations of help, use of equipment and materials, legal experience, as well as memorial contributions are greatly appreciated.

Rock Ridge Chapel Christian, Geigel Hill Road Nockamixon PA Sometimes goes under the name Christian Church or Rope Walk Church.

St. Joseph's Marienstein . . . Thanks to the efforts of Father Henry Stommel, pastor of St. John the Baptist Church in Haycock Township from October 7, 1871 to November 19, 1875, that St. Joseph's on Marienstein Road was built. St. Joseph's was a mission of St. John's Roman Catholic Parish, Haycock.

St. Lukes Cemetery

Top Rock thanks to John McFarlandNockamixon Union Cemetery on Church Hill Road in Ferndale was incorporated on December 3, 1873, and continues to stand as a final resting place for this area's forefathers, their descendants, and many others as northern Bucks County has continued to grow. Two additional land areas have been added over the last cent

*INDENTURE: 1861 indenture was made for a transaction between Isaac and Elizabeth McINTIRE and Jacob MEYERS, all of Nockamixon Township in Bucks County, PA. Jacob Meyers paid Isaac and Elizabeth McIntire four hundred dollars for land adjoining that of "George SHIVE, Christian PHILLIPS and others." The land that was sold included twenty-one acres "being the same premises which Joseph S. ELY Esquire Sheriff of the County of Bucks aforesaid levied upon and took in execution as the property of Francis (Thome?Thomo?Thoms?) and sold under a writ of bendictioni tested at Doylestown December 6th AD 1858 ..." Source

Nockamixon Union Cemetery

923 total matches
Bucks County
Pennsylvania, US


Bucks County Intelligencer Marriages - Nockamixon

The Hunterdon Gazette

Bucks County Intelligencer, October 1843: Orphans' Court Sale

PERSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court of Bucks county, will be sold at public sale, on the premises, in Nockamixon township, on Saturday the 28th of October next, all the Real Estate of George Sheets, dec'd, consisting of a tract of land, containing 50 ACRES lying on a public road leading to Frenchtown, adjoining fields of Samuel Ulmer, Frederick Stone, and others.
The improvements are a house, well of water at the door, barn, orchard, &c. There is also a good proportion of meadows and woodland. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P.M. Conditions by FREDERICK STONE, Adm'r. September 27, 1843

Jeanne Gorham
1920 - 2000
Jeanne Gorham died on July 15, 2000. Born May 17, 1920, Gorham was 80 years old and lived in Revere, PA.

J Sibre
1903 - 1999
J Sibre died on May 3, 1999. Born March 24, 1903, Sibre was 96 years old and lived in Revere, PA

YouTube - Delaware Canal Towpath Easton to Nockamixon Cliffs PA ...
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Bucks County Pennsylvania Orphans' Court Records 1852-1900 - Thomas G. Myers 2002 - Willow Bend


Nov 1, 1855

Dr. James Martin

Children Samuel and William

Jan 19, 1853

David White

Died Jun 17, 1852

Children: William, James, George and Nancy, Widow: Martha

Feb 8, 1853

Jacob Mill

Died Jul 25, 1850

Sep 15, 1853

George Kohl

Died Oct 14, 1852, no widow or issue

Sep 12, 1853

John M. Trauger

Widow Catharine and children George, Lewis, Lavina and Malinda,

Jan 15, 1855

Philip Reigle

Wife: Catharine, children: Emma Jane and William D.

Sep 12, 1854

John Fulmer

Died Jul 19, 1854.  Widow: Catharine and eight children: Samuel, Tobias, Sarah (wife of Michael Allum), July Ann (wife of Thomas Allum), Mary (wife of Jesse Allum). Rebecca Fox, Amos and Matilda

Nov 1, 1855

John Sattle

Died Nov 31,1855

Jan 15, 1855

John Springenfelt

Died Dec 15, 1854

Doylestown Daily Intelligencer Doylestown Pennsylvania

1932 July 8 Rev. and Mr. C.F. Althouse and Harleigh C. Kessler recently enjoyed a trip to Atlantic City. George Patterson, Newtown, was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford and Harry Deemer. Milton Hoffman and family spent the weekend with relatives in Nazareth. Miss Martha Diehl was a week-end visitor of Miss Alice Anderson, of Phila. Miss Annabelle LaBreeque spent the Fourth with a party near Sky Top. Rev. and Mrs. C.F. Althouse entertained during the week-end Daniel M. Althouse, Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Harshaw, and Miss Catharine Harshaw, Phila, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Christman Emery, Phoenixville. Emmet Coyne, Phillipsburg, N.J. is spending his vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swain. Mrs. Sarah Heller and McClellan Heller, Phila., spent the weekend at the Heller homestead. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Guiekunst on Monday were Mrs. Sarah Laubach, Olias (sp) Edith Laubach and friend, Hellertown Miss Catharine Trauger and Ann Trauger attended the family reunion of the descendants of the late Frank Trauger at the home of David Trauger, Bedminster, on the Fourth. Miss Annabelle LaBreeque with Emmet Coyne, Phillipsburg, N.J. on Wednesday.


From The Bucks County Intelligencer, 8 Apr. 1876


  1. Samuel Werst moves from the house of C. Hoffman to the house of Jacob Bickel.
  2. Rev. D. Rothtrock from his lot, near Bucksville, to John L. Boyer's house, Durham, and Mrs. Helsel to the lot she purchased of Rev. D. Rothtrock.
  3. Austin McCarty from Ottsville to the store property he bought of J.H.Buck, Bucksville
  4. John F. Heller from the lot he sold to Jacob Bickel to his father's house, on the Durham road.
  5. Henry N. Buck from his father's hotel, at Bucksville, to the house of Josiah Shuman.
  6. Jacob Nicholas from the farm of J.M. Lacey to his lot near Bucksville.  William Frankenfield to the house vacated by Mr. Nicholas


Anna Moore 1910 1978 Revere, Nockamixon
Carrie Whitehead 1909 1998 Revere, Nockamixon
Helen Whitlock 1893 1975 Revere, Nockamixon
Bertha Wolfinger 1884 1966 Revere, Nockamixon
Dorothy Wright 1926 2002 Revere, Nockamixon
Harmon Wright 1926 2004 Revere, Nockamixon
Paul Wright 1905 2000 Revere, Nockamixon
Susie Wright 1907 1999 Revere, Nockamixon
Anna Yoppoli 1914 1985 Revere, Nockamixon
Nettie Young 1882 1969 Revere, Nockamixon
Ethel Ziegenfuss 1901 1998 Revere, Nockamixon




Page last updated:             May 19, 2018              To contribute additional data for this page  email - Nancy

ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1864) 2nd Inaugural

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. 


  • The Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), the state tree of Pennsylvania, is one of the dominant trees of the Commonwealth's forests...
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Nancy C. Janyszeski All rights reserved.     Information submitted remains, to the extent the laws allows, the property of the submitter who by submitting it agrees that it may be freely copied, but never sold or used in a commercial venture without the knowledge and permission of the rightful owners.   

This website was created as a guide to the history and genealogy of Bucks County Pennsylvania. All efforts have been made to be accurate and to document sources. Some of the material has been contributed and published, with permission, in good faith. All effort has been made to be accurate as possible, and to refer to sources used. If you see an error, please let me know. This website was designed to be informative, a guide to Bucks County history and genealogical research, and hopefully fun. I can't guarantee that all the data is accurate.

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