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Submitted by: Pete Hamilton - petehamilton@hotmail.com
Note: This is transcribed verbatim from a manuscript written by Catherine Hamilton. While the manuscript is not dated, it was probably written over a period of time in the 1930s or 1940s, as there are what appear to be earlier drafts of essentially the same document. This copy was probably typed in the Spring of 1951, as it was in an envelope from Catherine Hamilton to my grandfather (Joshua Pearre Hamilton) with a postmark date of 12 May 1951. Also, there are notes in my grandfather's handwriting with a 1951 date on them. There are several notes in his handwriting in the margins; I've included them in this text, put them in italics, and designated them as "JPH note".
Joshua Pearre "Pete" Hamilton 9/24/98
The Hulme family is of Norman ancestry and can be traced back to Seigneur de Houlme, who crossed the channel from Normandy with William the Conqueror in 1066, and was the ancestor of Rudulphus de Houlme, proprietor of the "Manor of Hulme" in Lancashire, including the site of the city of Manchester, in the 12th century.
Sir John de Hulme, a great grandson of Rudulphus, was knighted by Henry II in 1160. The several proprietors of the "Manor of Hulme" figured prominently in history until the 16th century. Sir William de Hulme was knighted for services under the "Black Prince" in France, and his grandson of the same name is said to have sold the manor in 1489. Descendants of the family, with the name Hulme without the French prefix of de, held land in the vicinity of "Hulme Hall" until the end of the 17th century.
About 1638, William Hulme, a grandson of Sir William de Hulme, settled at Tillston in Cheshire. His son, Hugh Hulme, married a daughter of Robert Massie and their fourth son was George Hulme. This George, with his wife and son George Jr., came to Pennsylvania from Cheshire about 1700, traditionally crossing the Atlantic with William Penn on his second visit to Pennsylvania in 1699. Became Friends later -- about the time George Jr. married into a prominent Quaker family.
Records show that our ancestors came from Cheshire, England, about 1700, locating at first in Pennsylvania. It seems most probable that our direct ancestor was one of the four sons of Hugh Hulme. Seemingly it would not be too difficult to get the names of Hugh's sons and thus prove or disprove this.
About 1700, three brothers, George, James and John Hulme, came to America from Cheshire, England, settling in Pennsylvania. It is believed that George Hulme is our ancestor, but so far we have no positive proof of this. George purchased 300 acres in Middleton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in 1705, and died in 1714, at which time one Thomas Baynes was appointed administrator of his estate. It would seem that the recorded data in settlement of the estate would name George's widow and children, but to date we have not been able to learn this.
If we are descendants of this George Hulme, then Ann Hulme, who died in Albemarle Parish, Sussex County, Virginia, about 1759, "aged and infirm", was his widow and our descent from this couple is clearly traceable.
In her will, Ann listed her children as William, Sarah, Ann, and Frances. The photostatic copy of the will on file at Richmond was poor, and in places so blurred as to be practically useless. The daughters mentioned were shown by their married names, but only one, Sarah Higgins, was clear enough to read.
William Hulme and his wife, Mary, lived in Nottoway Parish, Amelia County, Virginia, where he died in November, 1760. Their children were listed in his will as -- Bell, William, Thomas, Ann, John, Robert, Charles, and Mary.
William Hulme, Jr., married Elizabeth _________, and their children were:
George enlisted as a soldier in the American Revolution in 1776, when 15 years of age, giving his residence as Amelia, Amelia County, Va.
JPH note: The plaque on the courthouse at Franklin, Tenn., names Geo. Hulme as one of the revolutionary soldiers buried in Williamson Co.
Records show that William Hulme, Jr., father of these four children, died in Northampton, N.C., in 1778, and willed all of his property to his widow, Elizabeth, during her natural life or widowhood, then to be equally divided among his four children. Elizabeth and her family some time prior to 1790, when the first census was made, located in Wilkesboro County, N.C. George Hulme's marriage is not recorded there, but William married Susanna Patterson on March 23, 1787. Elizabeth or Betsy Hulme married Simon Stacy on October 7, 1792. Robert Hulme married Frances Clayton on November 4, 1793. The fact that George, William, Robert and "Betsy" were the four children and heirs of William and Elizabeth Hulme is brought out in a paper filed by George in connection with a settlement of the estate.
About 1800, George, William and Robert, with their families, crossed the mountains into Tennessee and settled in Williamson County. William Hulme was the first sheriff of Williamson County, appointed when the first Circuit Court was established in 1810. He apparently died in 1816, as inventory of his estate was filed in January, 1817. His brother, George, succeeded him as sheriff.
Following the death of his first wife, George married Mrs. Peggy Sharpe, widow of Major Anthony Sharpe, on April 16, 1813. When about 71, George Hulme applied for a pension as a soldier in the American Revolution, which was granted. He died on March 25, 1835, and was buried at the old "Hollis Morton" place (think must be Hollis Horton place), now owned by Mr. Lockridge. A marker for his grave was forwarded to Franklin, but until recently it had not been set in place.
Robert Hulme, or "Bobby" as he is often referred to by his descendants, was married three times -- first, Frances Clayton; next, her sister _________ Clayton; and last, Mrs. Susan B. Stockett, widow of Stephen Stockett. A legend in the family is to the effect that after losing his first and second wives, he returned to the Clayton home for a third, but his father-in-law objected to that.
Robert and Frances Clayton Hulme had one child, Henry Clayton Hulme, who was about two years old when the Hulmes moved to Tennessee, and was said to have ridden behind his father on the trip.
Henry Clayton Hulme (9/25/1798-10/13/1876) married Lucy Anderson Wright (1803 -- 1886) September 11, 1823. Their children were --
Robert Carpenter (9/24/24 -- 12/27/14) Isaac Newton (9/26/26 -- 6/3/73) A colonel in the Confederate Army Elizabeth (12/2/28 -- 7/29/54) Artistic. Married Milton Byers. One daughter, Lucy. William Beard (11/ /30 -- 7/26/80) Married & moved to Texas. Susan Charlotte (1833 - 1907) Married 1st, John Miles - a son, Bedford. 2nd, Wm. Gray - no children.
F. E. Pitts (6/18/35 -- 3/29/29) Married three times --
1st, Lucy Anderson Phillips
-- a son, William Henry
2nd, Amanda Catherine Johnson
-- Children -
Mary Courtney Sawyer --
Mary Ann (1837 -- 1893) Married Jesse Jordan 9/9/61.
Lucy Matilda (1840 -- 1870) Married a Mr. Johnson during Civil War, but never left parental home. Was burned to death by explosion of a kerosene lamp.
James Randolph (9/16/43 -- 8/20/69) Unmarried. Died from wound received in war -- never healed.
Theopolus G. (6/29/46 -- 2/10/38) Married Nancy E. Sawyer 1/17/71.
Their children --
Robert (or Bobby) Hulme married, 2nd, _________ Clayton, and they had only one child, George W. (B. D. about 4/29/34)
George W. married Sarena Porter 1/26/29 and their children-- Sarah, May and Nancy. Probably Sarah and May died in childhood. Nancy Hulme married Charles W. Beale 2/18/57
and they left three children -
Robert Hulme's third marriage was to Susan Beard Stockett, a widow with two sons, Stephen and Noble. A legend in the family is that she was very homesick for her old home in Maryland and agreed to marry Robert Hulme if he would take her back to Maryland. He did this, but for some reason they remained there only a year and then returned to Tennessee. The legend further states that Susan was embittered by this and didn't conceal it. Their home was near "Old Union Church", and it is believed that they were buried in the old cemetery adjoining or near church, though their graves were unmarked.
Mary L. -- Married John H. Hamilton on 8/8/65. Their children --
Elizabeth Pearre and her son, William, were buried in small cemetery near the old Stockett home. If her husband was buried there, his grave was not permanently marked.
JPH note dated 5/15/51: Grandmother Elizabeth Pearre. Grave on the former Stockett place. Pete Hamilton note: He includes a hand-drawn map, locating the grave site. I was able to find the streets on a map of the Nashville metropolitan area. It is near the intersection of Stockit Rd and Sneed Rd, in northern Williamson County, just south of Edwin Warner Park, near the Harpeth River.
Pete Hamilton note: in December, 1998, I visited Nashville and located the "Old Stockett Place". The elderly lady who lived there showed me where the graves were located, but the site was overgrown with briars, and I was unable to examine them closely. There were several gravestones there, but they had been overturned (with, of course, the writing side down).
Rebecca -- Married Robert Berry 1/22/24. No data.
William Beard (1/29/08 -- 11/6/62) Married Mary Leigh (5/1/15 - 3/1/79) on 2/26/33.
Their children were --
Robert -- Killed in Battle of Chicamaugua. Unmarried.
JPH note: A sweetheart of Mother's. See her diary.
John Wesley -- Married Sarah J. Cowley.
Their children --
William 2 or more children Fannie (Vesey) 3 children May -- Unmarried Kate (Hadley) 2 or more children Della (Pickard) 3 children Emma ( ) Bruce Ellen - Married, 1st, Mr. Wray; 2nd, Mr. O'Neil.
William, a son by latter marriage.
Elizabeth Stockett (12/18/40 -- 7/18/83) Married Henry C. Hamilton on 11/13/68. JPH note: Uncle Henry Children of Henry C and Elizabeth Hamilton
May (Baker) 3 children
Eleazar -- Died in childhood.
Bird (Calvert) 1 son
Catherine --- Unmarried
Margaret (Trice) 5 sons
James Winter -- 3 children
William Beard 2nd -- Married Sarah Ann Sawyer on 6/9/64. Wound received while in the Confederate Army never healed.
Their children --
Fountain Elliott (3/31/46 -- 4/13/27) Married Cleo Evans.
Their children --
Elliott Irving -- 2 sons.
Kittie Robinson -- died in childhood.
Mary Catherine -- Married David Gray Stokey.
Their children --
Albert -- one son.
Henry --4 children
Infant daughter
Roland Hill -- Unmarried. Drowned in early manhood.
James Joseph - Married three times.
1st, Sarah Lazenby -- two daughters
Laura (Sweeney) 3 children
Mary (Maury) 2 or more children
2nd, Emma Cotton -- no surviving children.
3rd, Margaret Cotton --
son Leigh
Daniel -- Died in childhood.
John Wesley Hulme (1811-1875) Married Charlotte Wright.
Children -- Mary -- Married Chas. N. Sawyer 8/11/65
Children -
Sam Jones
Josephine (Smith) Children -- Minnie (Hoskins)
-- 6 daughters -- 5 or more sons Lou (Hoskins)
Margaret Caroline -- Married John S. Sawyer 12/2/61, died 2/18/62 (Born 1836) No children.
Elizabeth -- Unmarried.
Amanda (Lynn) -- Children --
After death of her first husband, Amanda married a Mr. Francis.
Page last updated: September 10, 2021
ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1864) 2nd Inaugural
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
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- Nancy Janyszeski"I haven't failed. I've found 10,000 ways that don't work." - Thomas Alva Edison |
Copyright© 1997-2021 Nancy C. Janyszeski All rights reserved. Information submitted remains, to the extent the laws allows, the property of the submitter who by submitting it agrees that it may be freely copied, but never sold or used in a commercial venture without the knowledge and permission of the rightful owners. This website was created as a guide to the history and genealogy of Bucks County Pennsylvania. All efforts have been made to be accurate and to document sources. Some of the material has been contributed and published, with permission, in good faith. All effort has been made to be accurate as possible, and to refer to sources used. If you see an error, please let me know. This website was designed to be informative, a guide to Bucks County history and genealogical research, and hopefully fun. I can't guarantee that all the data is accurate. Broken Links: NancyJanyszeski@yahoo.com |