That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternately red and white, that the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.


Pennsylvania, starting as a feudal proprietary province, under the treble control of deputy-governors, proprietor, and king, gradually worked out for herself a body of constitutional liberty, which, at the time of the Revolution, gave her such a satisfactory form of government that it was a great obstacle in the way of the movement for independence. From the death of William Penn until her own death in 1727, Mrs. Penn managed the affairs of the province with great practical wisdom. She was indeed virtually in control of the situation from the time of Penn’s paralysis in 1712 until her death, being to all intents and purposes proprietary of the province. She paid off Penn’s debts, appointed governors, and decided all important questions. Throughout this entire period of fifteen years, as an energetic, capable, and sensible woman, she commanded the respect and obedience of the officials whom she appointed. * *History of Pennsylvania - 1935 Dunaway


In March, 1683, William Penn's Council ordered "that the seal of the County of Bucks Pennsylvania be a tree and a vine." The Shield came from the family crest.


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